Monday, June 26, 2006

Very first entry.....

OK, after months of procrastination, I've finally taken the plunge and started my own blog (thanks to P. for the shove). Hopefully I can use this medium to relate some of my minor (and maybe major?) day-to-day adventures as well as witty commentary of everday life. My only two rules: no politics, and nothing that will damage any realtionship with friends, family, or potential employers. Well, maybe a bit of the latter, but hopefully nothing too serious.

This week will be a busy one at work....I need to finish a paper or two before I head off the Boston this Thursday for my friend Kerry's 40th Birthday. It should be a good time....lots of good people will be there (and by good, I mean entertaining). Sean will be with his family in Connecticut, and will drive over to Boston for Saturday night; I'm sure that many a bottle of Plymouth Gin will fall. The Silvertone (the place of the celebration) makes a mean martini, but I've always thought that they filled the glass too full. A critical factor in drink quality is that of temperature. If the drink is too full, the drink becomes warm before you can finish it and it doesn't taste good. Gin definately needs to be served cold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaaaaah Monkeysmooth! Go Darren Go! :-)