Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Yesterday I took the bus up the park system in the middle of the island and went on a long hike...about 10 miles...around Macritchie reservoir and through the forest. The hike was a bit longer than I anticipated, but I enjoyed it..the forest there is very well preserved (if small). Here's a picture of Macritchie Park:

And the forest (from a tower that allowed you to go above the tree level):

and of course monkeys. I saw some of these macaques in the forest, but they were hard to photograph; some had wandered out into the open space of the park, letting me get a few pictures.

I didn't see any Tom Foolery on the part of the monkeys...they seemed a bit annoyed by the presence of the humans. But then, I saw a sign that said if a monkey gets too used to people, they trap it and put it down.

For food, I had carrot cake for dinner. Around here, carrot cake isn't what you think it is; is is more of a radish omelet.

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