Monday, July 17, 2006


Tonight I was going to go to the Laundromat and do about 6 loads of laundry, but I just didn’t get around to going (although I did get everything sorted by color and wash temperature). Not having my own washer/dryer is a bit inconvenient at times, although at the Laundromat you get everything done in a few hours. Plus there is always an odd assortment of weirdos there. One time I saw this man who looked just like the Simpson's Comic Book Guy (large, with ponytail) throw someting in the trash, only to pause for several seconds as he obviously glanced something of interest in the barrel. He reached in, pulled out a black thong brief (or bikini? I couldn't tell), held it up light to better get an idea if it was something he wanted, and then carried it away as if if was the score of a lifetime.

I have enough clothes for tomorrow, but I’m going to have to wear uncomfortable underwear (those scratchy wool boxers…they give me hives every time I wear them). Also, I’ll have to pick out some clothes from the bottom of the barrel…..maybe my hobo costume, or a Burberry jogging outfit. (Work has a fairly loose dress code…as long as there is no “lack of appropriate undergarments” I’m OK).

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